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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2019


He seguido los pasos de  pero no consigo que funcione. alguien con alguna sugerencia... Ahora he conseguido llegar hasta aqui, pero no se me da se error. Buscando he encontrado esto... en  pero no veo como solucionarlo. Possible Failures Once flash encryption is enabled and if the  FLASH_CRYPT_CNT  eFuse value has an odd number of bits set then all the partitions (which are marked with encryption flag) are expected to contain encrypted ciphertext. Below are three typical failure cases if the ESP32 is loaded with plaintext data: In case the bootloader partition is re-updated with plaintext bootloader image the ROM loader will fail to load the bootloader and following type of failure will be displayed: rst : 0x3 ( SW_RESET ), boot : 0x13 ( SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT ) flash read err , 1000 ets_main . c 371 ets Jun 8 2016 00 : 22 : 57